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"EFFECTS OF THE MOON (CHANDRA) ON THE DHANUSU LAGNA (SAGITTARIUS RISING) IN THE 12 DIFFERENT ZODIAC SIGNS" The Moon has the lordship over the highly malefic 8th house to the Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising). But the Moon and the Guru (Jupiter), which has the lordship over the Dhanusu Lagna maintain mutually friendly ties with each other. Also the Moon does not exhibit worst qualities of 8th house. Thus the Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) can assure themselves of better treatment from the Moon. 1. Dhanusu Lagna and Dhanusu Rasi: "Moon in the Lagna" - Confused and unclean mindset. Fond of praise by others and strongly addicted to it. Losing greatly due to this attitude. 2. Dhanusu Lagna and Makara Rasi: "Moon in the 2nd house" - Speaking in untimely manner creates problem. Mixed characterestics. Soft and gentle outlook but with tough mindset. 3. Dhanusu Lagna and Kumbha Rasi: "Moon in the 3rd house" - Shy, soft charcater...