2013 SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE 11th September to 20th September 2013: Financial Issues: The Dhanusu Rasi would continue to enjoy stable and strong position on their financial positions. Career: The Dhanusu Rasi would enjoy mixed results on their career related issues. They would get favourable results from 14th to 18th September 2013. Debts: The Dhanusu Rasi would see rise in their liabilities level. The Dhanusu Rasi must be careful especially from 15th to 20th September 2013. Expenses: The Dhanusu Rasi would find it hard to control their expenses, but their attempts proves to be effective in a partial manner. Family Relationship: The Dhanusu Rasi would continue to enjoy stronger ties with their family members. The ties with their children remain difficult but they would manage it efficiently too. The Dhanusu Rasi would experience comfortable ties with their life partner from 14th to 18th September 2013. The ties with their relatives remain stronger between 11th to 16...