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2020 May Sagittarius Financial Astrology

2020 May Dhanu Rashifal
2020 May Dhanusu Rasi Phalalu

Job searches: Good feedback & faster results on job searches from 1st to 8th May 2020. Mixed feedback (or) delays from 9th to 31st May 2020.
Office Attendance (or) Efficiency Levels: Good attendance and best performances from 1st to 5th; and from 10th to 24th May 2020. Mixed attendance & performances from 6th to 9th; and from 25th to 31st May 2020.
Employer (or) Superior Relationships: Ties would remain stable during the entire month of May 2020
Official Colleagues Relationships: Ties would remain stable from 1st to 5th May 2020. Ties would remain unstable from 6th to 31st May 2020.
Juniors & Subordinate staff Relationships: Fluctuating ties during the entire month of May 2020.
Profits & Investments: Good profits from 1st to 7th; and from 12th to 31st May 2020. Fluctuating profits from 8th to 11th May 2020.
Loan Approval (or) Debt levels: High debts (or) increased borrowings from 1st to 7th; and from 12th to 31st May 2020. Delays in borrowings (or) reduced borrowings from 8th to 31st May 2020.
Expenditure levels (or) Financial Commitments: High expenses & ability to meet the financial commitments from 1st to 8th May 2020. Fluctuating expenses (or) delays in managing the financial commitments from 9th to 31st May 2020.
Stocks/Assets (movable & immovable): High & stable asset values during the entire month of May 2020.
Financial position (savings): Fluctuating finances during the entire month of May 2020.
Sales & Marketing efforts: Good feedback on marketing & good sales from 1st to 8th May 2020. Mixed feedback on marketing & fluctuating sales from 9th to 31st May 2020.
Manufacturing: Good production levels from 1st to 5th; and from 10th to 24th May 2020. Delays in productions from 6th to 9th; and from 25th to 31st May 2020.
Government & Banking sectors: Ties would remain stable during the entire month of May 2020.  
Business Partnership: Ties would remain stable from 1st to 5th May 2020. Ties would remain unstable from 6th to 31st May 2020
Labour Relationships: Fluctuating ties during the entire month of May 2020.
Profits & Payment Collections: Good profits & good payment collections from 1st to 7th; and from 12th to 31st May 2020. Mixed profit levels & delays in payment collections from 8th to 11th May 2020. 
Borrowing capabilities (or) Debt servicing:  High debts (or) increased borrowings from 1st to 7th; and from 12th to 31st May 2020. Delays in borrowings (or) reduced borrowings from 8th to 31st May 2020. 
Financial Commitments (or) Expenses: High expenses & ability to meet the financial commitments from 1st to 8th May 2020. Fluctuating expenses (or) delays in managing the financial commitments from 9th to 31st May 2020.
Stocks/Goods/Assets (movable & immovable): High & stable asset values during the entire month of May 2020.
Financial Strength (Liquid Money): Fluctuating finances during the entire month of May 2020.  

Important Dates that can alter the above-mentioned results:
3rd to 7th May 2020: Developing entrepreneurial thoughts; but facing delays in completion of tasks. Deadlock on partnerships. 
8th to 17th May 2020: Delays on job searches & stagnant sales. Delays in managing the financial commitments. 
9th to 13th May 2020: Expenses/losses through the Partnership. Spending time & money to complete the tasks.
10th to 12th May 2020: Comfort on partnership and comfortable working environment.
15th to 21st May 2020: Comfort on all issues related to assets & overseas.
21st to 23rd May 2020: Difficulties on managing ties with partners & colleagues. Multiple tasks (or) repeat tasks; and working in difficult conditions.
26th to 31st May 2020: Comfortable position on career/business growth.  
27th to 30th May 2020: Increase in tasks (or) repeat tasks.
How to understand Vedic Astrology in a proper manner?
1. The above-mentioned results are applicable both from your Moon Sign and also from your Sun Sign.
2. The place where the Moon and the Sun are placed in your natal chart is considered as your Moon Sign (Rasi) and Sun Sign.
3. If a Person has Moon in the Dhanusu Rasi - Sagittarius Sign and Sun in the Kataka Rasi - Cancer sign, then the person will have the reflection of the predictions given under both the Dhanusu Rasi - Cancer sign and also the Kataka Rasi - Cancer sign.
4. You must also look for your career/financial results under your Mahadasa/Antardasa/Pratyantaradasa periods.
5. You must also look for the planet's strength under the Binnashtavargha table.
6. You would be able to get crystal clearer picture of your financial and Career prospects, if you are able to summarize all the results that are derived from Points 1, 4 & 5.
Mesha Rasi Palan   Rishaba Rasi Palan   Mithuna Rasi Palan   Kataka Rasi Palan    Simha Rasi Palan   Kanni Rasi Palan   Thula Rasi Palan   Viruchika Rasi Palan   Makara Rasi Palan   Kumbha Rasi Palan   Meena Rasi Palan
For personal readings (for overseas readers) Horoscope Solution
For Personal readings (within India) Horoscope Readings
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Read my blog on Marriage Astrology Marriage Astrology
Blog on Shani & its impacts: Lord Saneeswara
Blog on Pariharam (remedial measures): Vedic Astrology Pariharam
Go to detailed Report on Career & Finances: Financial Report (Lifetime)


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